List of Monitors
View a list of air monitors located around the Coachella Valley
Poor air quality can harm your health. Take action to reduce your exposure to air pollutants. Use the list or map to view current air quality levels at your nearest air monitor. Sign up to receive alerts when the air quality near you is unhealthy. Scroll down to learn more.
View a list of air monitors located around the Coachella Valley
View an interactive map of the air monitors
Sign up to get alerts when the air quality near you is unhealthy
IVAN Air Monitoring is a network air monitors located throughout California. The Coachella Valley has air quality monitors that provide real time air quality data, these monitors measure current levels of particulate matter air pollution (PM2.5 and PM10). The air quality measurements are displayed on this website.
This network was developed in response to the community residents’ concerns about air quality and their desire for more neighborhood-level data. The network was designed with significant input and decision-making from community residents, while incorporating technical priorities to ensure scientific integrity.
The network was developed through a partnership between Comite Civico del Valle (CCV), California Environmental Health Tracking Program, and University of Washington School of Public Health.
When using this information, please note the following:
Learn more about our monitor validation process, how to use the data on this website, and how to compare the data with government
View the Air Monitoring Q&A for more information on the following topics:
Air quality data for Riverside County currently reported by government regulatory air monitors are available at Air Quality - South Coast Air Quality Management District
Data reported by IVAN Air Monitoring and by government monitors should both be used to better understand air quality levels near you. There are differences in how these data are collected, such as the locations monitored, the equipment used, and pollutants measured. Therefore, differences in reported air data are expected. When considering how to best protect your health, we recommended you consider multiple sources of air quality data and follow the most health protective recommendations.
Visit the Air Monitoring FAQs for more information about how our data compares with government data.
If you are experiencing an emergency, call 9-1-1.
Step 1. Report to South Coast Air Quality Management District
You can help SCAQMD protect public health in the South Coast Air Basin by making a complaint about air quality problems. Access the on-line complaint system to report your observations of excessive odors, smoke, dust, or other air contaminants (except smoking vehicles), or call 1-800-CUT SMOG® (1-800-288-7664). Report smoking vehicles using 1-800-CUT-SMOG.
Step 2. Report on IVAN.
After contacting the SCAQMD we recommend that you also submit a record of the problem here on IVAN Coachella, including a note that SCAQMD has been contacted. This ensures that the Environmental Justice Task Force is aware of the complaint and that the complaint is documented on the IVAN Coachella website.
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Comite Civico del Valle, Inc