Disgusting Odors - Restaurant Grease & Horse Manure Mix
Thursday 9 August 2012 01:27:00 PM
Location: CA Bio Mass 62nd and Jackson in Thermal
Categorie: Other
Well: Isn't it ironic? Well, here we repeatedly go again - Thursday evening, you're off for the next 3 days, and CA BIO MASS is turning their horse manure and bedding with a little restaurant grease splashed on top, oh ya, and don't forget the rotting fruit and vegetables. Yep, that is what we are enduring right this very second. We were trying to enjoy sitting outdoors on our patio this evening, sipping some wine and talking about our week - and - ZAP! We have to come inside. Excuse me? Well, the owner of CA Bio Mass sits at his home, relaxing in an odor free environment? All I can say is KARMA. I am so upset that we have had to email you every week for the last year about the same problem, and, nothing, I say, nothing has improved. This isn't going away ladies, you know that as well as I do. CA Bio Mass cannot have their CUP renewed. They need to move far away from residential communities. We didn't retire and move here to live in a garbage dump. We have notified Riverside County Environmental Health and the AQMD. PLEASE - report the odors now to 1(800) CUT SMOG