Law enforcement targeting low income communities

Friday 21 September 2012 01:50:00 PM

Location: Mecca

Categorie: Other


I have seen the local county sheriff office targeting low income areas and asking for people for their insurance and other documents as well. Many low income communities might not have the financial resources to pay for some of these items as well, and many have their cars taken away and this makes it hard for them to survive because they can not go to work or do other things. Also during the flood there was Immigration showing up to a lot of the places that people were receiving services, many people stopped receiving services because this causes them to be afraid of what is going on. It raises many issues to them and we lose their trust as service providers. We need to do something about it, have a meeting with Benoit and Manuel Perez to try to change some of these policies. We need to stop this social discrimination.


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