Respiratory problems due to construction at District work site

Saturday 29 October 2016 06:51:00 PM

Location: la familia continuation high school

Categorie: Bad air Quality Conditions


Low air quality violations of construction department students an staff health issues. The source of the air quality that the staff smells is dust from outside,vehicle pollution having about 50 trucks pass by,diesel smell. When did this problem start or was detected? the approximate date was dec 2015 when staff started seeing the equipment or trucks job started jan 2016. The principle has neumonia and on a friday she had to go to the hospital for a treatment of 4 hrs. plus in one week about 18 students calling out for respiratory problems and i believe that if the district doesnt relocate us they will continue to be sick and the numbers will rise. Because the dirt was moved the staff has had their share of complaints about roaches in the classroom their protocal is to call dewey but that has not resoved the issue,on top of that the bees flying around the school and the district all could say was to cover the trashcans i was there and they are covered but that does not stop the bees from coming around. For almost a year if it wasnt because i called aqc the dust would not stop. At this point they are breaking Olive st. nd i brought it to mr. fromms attention there is no access to handicap visitors, i took a walk on the baseball field it took me 112 steps to get there even though it was at night i stumbled on a potholethe ground is not level for our handicap or elderly that need to come to the school,the project will take 8 wks to accomplish. today they broke the water pipe so students were without water to drink and restroom they were allowed to go to the district so the teacher had to stop instructional time to take the class.

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